12 Sep TEAM RATES!!! Let Halo Cryotherapy be your team’s RECOVERY SPECIALISTS!
Hey everybody!!
Are you a part of a Local High School or College athletics team? Do you want to recover faster and perform better? Let Halo Cryotherapy be your “difference maker” that pushes you past your competition.
If you are a coach, player, or parent of an athlete at the High School or college level you need to hear this. We want to be a part of your team’s success by offering special team rates on our whole body cryotherapy. As so many of you have seen or heard, cryotherapy is becoming the go-to recovery tool for athletes of all levels from Freshman in high school to Lebron James.
The benefits of cryotherapy are phenomenal for athletes, reducing recovery time by oxygenating muscle tissue and reducing inflammation from training and getting you back on the practice or game field with less soreness or injury.
So what are the special team rates? How does it work?
Our whole body cryotherapy sessions are normally $50. If you bring in 4 or more teammates (bring the whole team!) we bring that session price down to $30!!! If you have a team that wants to utilize this offer, contact us to book your times on our schedule! We have TWO CRYOSAUNAS in our new Minnetonka location near Ridgedale Mall in TIGERFIT. We can see a larger group faster with two machines, so what are you waiting for?